Course Topics
Please note: All the pages aren't finished yet (as of 12/11/2012), but I'm working on it a little bit each day.
Course and Site Introduction
- Home
- Sravasti Abbey
- The course
- This site
Course Topics—Organized re: The Four Noble Truths
- Overview of the four noble truths
- First noble truth: The truth of suffering
- What is suffering?
- The mind
- More about our current situation
- Second noble truth: The cause of suffering
- The two main causes of suffering
- Self-grasping ignorance
- Self-centered thought
- These give rise to
- The three poisons
- The disturbing attitudes
- The eight worldly concerns
- Summary: The mind, its problems, and some solutions
- The two main causes of suffering
- Third noble truth: The cessation of suffering
- Our potential to end unsatisfactory experiences
- More about our potential for growth
- Fourth noble truth: The path to the cessation of suffering
- The noble eightfold path
- The three principal realizations of the path
- Apply remedies to the two main causes of suffering
- Taking refuge in the Three Jewels
- Simplified course summary (the four noble truths)
- Detailed course summary
- Most detailed course summary
- The four noble truths plus more about our current situation and our potential for growth
- The first noble truth
- The second noble truth
- The third noble truth
- The fourth noble truth
- The noble eightfold path
- The mind
- Summary: The mind, its problems, and some solutions