Bodhicitta (altruistic intention to become enlightened for the benefit of all sentient beings)
Wisdom (correct view of reality, of emptiness, the lack of inherent existence)
WHY develop renunciation?
Verse 3 of the text The Three Principal Aspects of the Path tells us why to develop renunciation:
For you embodied beings bound by the craving for existence, without the pure determination to be free (or renunciation) from the ocean of cyclic existence there is no way for you to pacify the attractions to its pleasurable effects. Thus from the outset seek to generate the determination to be free.
Cyclic existence is, by nature, unsatisfactory, because we are "embodied beings bound by the craving for existence."
We cannot "pacify the attractions to its pleasurable effects" until we end craving, grasping, and ignorance (the root causes of suffering or unsatisfactory conditions).
To do so, we must first "generate the determination to be free."
HOW do we develop renunciation?
Verse 4 of the text The Three Principal Aspects of the Path tells us how to develop renunciation:
By contemplating the leisure and endowment so difficult to find, and the fleeting nature of your life, reverse the clinging to this life. By repeatedly contemplating the infallible effects of karma and the miseries of cyclic existence, reverse the clinging to future lives.
Verse 5 of the text The Three Principal Aspects of the Path tells us how to know when we've developed renunciation:
By contemplating in this way, do not generate even for an instant the wish for the pleasures of cyclic existence. When you have, day and night unceasingly, the mind aspiring for liberation, you have generated the determination to be free.